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Friday, March 07, 2008

A New Blog!

Hey guys. It's been forever since I've posted here. That's because I've been working on my website and have moved the blog! You can check out all the cool, new stuff right here:

See ya there!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Real Reason Publishers Reject Manuscripts

Interesting discussion! Enjoy.

Talk later,


Monday, July 02, 2007

The Sorry State of Publishing

I’ve gotta admit. This one depressed me a bit.

Interesting article. Even more interesting comments.

Every book writer should be aware of this.

Check it out.

Talk later,


Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So... how will this tidbit of information affect the next article you write? Think you'll approach your next sales letter a little different? How 'bout the novel?

Interesting stuff here:

Talk later!


Labels: ,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Could boy archaeologist be next Harry Potter?

Yup. That's the headline. But do you believe it?

I'm not sure I do.

Time will tell, though.

Here's the link:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Talk about Embarrassing

Talk about Embarrassing...

OK. I get up yesterday and all is well. Dang near perfect, if you ask me.

You see, I'm on the fair island of Friday Harbor smack dab in the middle of the San Juan Islands in Washington State.


You'd have to be half dead not to be blown away by the absolute gorgeousness of the place.

So, back to yesterday.

I wake up in a glorious mood. I head to the opulent condo dining room which we converted into our very cluttered pseudo office and did one thing that set my day off on a sour note.

I started fuming. Grinding my teeth. Tightening my lips.

I thought Leah (my dear friend and business partner) would die laughing.

Next thing I knew, she had the camera out and started taping.

Truth is, I thought I was out of my bad mood by then.

But jeepers. My face looks like I'd just finished sucking a big fat pickle.

If you're interested in avoiding my big mistake check out the video.

Don't worry. No selling. Just pure information and a great big freelance tip.

I wish I'd followed my own advice yesterday.

Talk later!

Beth (and Leah)

P.S. After you check out the video, help me feel less embarrassed by sharing your own similar experience. I'd sure appreciate it.